Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Transformed Mind by Luther Conigliarro

Transformed Mind by Luther Conigliarro

Response to the "Prosperity Gospel" and why sociology is a poor field of study that really answers nothing!

Points of discussion 

1) People who claim that the reason they are blessed materially is because they are themselves givers and so God blesses them. 
A) This is flawed and poor theology because God is not in the "scratch my back ill scratch yours" club. And people who give in order to get; are not givers but "Traders"

2) Sociology would claim the key to a happy life is live and be the opposite of the people you hate and dislike, whatever you see in them be or do the exact opposite and you will be happy!
A)Wrong! Because we all have evil inside of us and we can not escape our own sin under our own strength. Cyril Connolly Said." We are all serving a life sentence trapped inside the dungeon of self" and it will take someone else to set us free! Also, sociology doesn't teach us how to forgive. Nor how to love due the fact that people love in different ways and sociology would say "who's to say?" Which one is correct? There is no room for love thy neighbor as yourself since everyone is out for themselves. Christianity frees us, sociology blocks us. 

3) Pionts 3,4,5 are pretty straight forward. Loyalty, discipline, Embracing Set backs in order to mature and grow

1 comment:

  1. The video was AWESOME! It was very inspirational and I feel that you may have been the first person in that professors class to ever said that to him. This is my New Years Sermon!

    We live in a society that teaches people not to examine themselves but to critique and criticize everyone else, Jesus made it clear that we are nothing without Him, so to 'better ourselves" without Him is futile ....
